Kernel programming

When arrays operations are not flexible enough, you can write your own GPU kernels in Julia. CUDA.jl aims to expose the full power of the CUDA programming model, i.e., at the same level of abstraction as CUDA C/C++, albeit with some Julia-specific improvements.

As a result, writing kernels in Julia is very similar to writing kernels in CUDA C/C++. It should be possible to learn CUDA programming from existing CUDA C/C++ resources, and apply that knowledge to programming in Julia using CUDA.jl. Nontheless, this section will give a brief overview of the most important concepts and their syntax.

Defining and launching kernels

Kernels are written as ordinary Julia functions, returning nothing:

function my_kernel()

To launch this kernel, use the @cuda macro:

julia> @cuda my_kernel()

This automatically (re)compiles the my_kernel function and launches it on the current GPU (selected by calling device!).

By passing the launch=false keyword argument to @cuda, it is possible to obtain a callable object representing the compiled kernel. This can be useful for reflection and introspection purposes:

julia> k = @cuda launch=false my_kernel()
CUDA.HostKernel for my_kernel()

julia> CUDA.registers(k)

julia> k()

Kernel inputs and outputs

GPU kernels cannot return values, and should always return or return nothing on all code paths. To communicate values from a kernel, you can use a CuArray:

function my_kernel(a)
    a[1] = 42
julia> a = CuArray{Int}(undef, 1);

julia> @cuda my_kernel(a);

julia> a
1-element CuArray{Int64, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

Launch configuration and indexing

Simply using @cuda only launches a single thread, which is not very useful. To launch more threads, use the threads and blocks keyword arguments to @cuda, while using indexing intrinsics in the kernel to differentiate the computation for each thread:

julia> function my_kernel(a)
           i = threadIdx().x
           a[i] = 42

julia> a = CuArray{Int}(undef, 5);

julia> @cuda threads=length(a) my_kernel(a);

julia> a
5-element CuArray{Int64, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

As shown above, the threadIdx etc. values from CUDA C are available as functions returning a NamedTuple with x, y, and z fields. The intrinsics return 1-based indices.


To synchronize threads in a block, use the sync_threads() function. More advanced variants that take a predicate are also available:

  • sync_threads_count(pred): returns the number of threads for which pred was true
  • sync_threads_and(pred): returns true if pred was true for all threads
  • sync_threads_or(pred): returns true if pred was true for any thread

To maintain multiple thread synchronization barriers, use the barrier_sync function, which takes an integer argument to identify the barrier.

To synchronize lanes in a warp, use the sync_warp() function. This function takes a mask to select which lanes to participate (this defaults to FULL_MASK).

If only a memory barrier is required, and not an execution barrier, use fence intrinsics:

  • threadfence_block: ensure memory ordering for all threads in the block
  • threadfence: the same, but for all threads on the device
  • threadfence_system: the same, but including host threads and threads on peer devices

Device arrays

Although the CuArray type is the main array type used in CUDA.jl to represent GPU arrays and invoke operations on the device, it is a type that's only meant to be used from the host. For example, certain operations will call into the CUBLAS library, which is a library whose entrypoints are meant to be invoked from the CPU.

When passing a CuArray to a kernel, it will be converted to a CuDeviceArray object instead, representing the same memory but implemented with GPU-compatible operations. The API surface of this type is very limited, i.e., it only supports indexing and assignment, and some basic operations like view, reinterpret, reshape, etc. Implementing higher level operations like map would be a performance trap, as they would not make use of the GPU's parallelism, but execute slowly on a single GPU thread.

Shared memory

To communicate between threads, device arrays that are backed by shared memory can be allocated using the CuStaticSharedArray function:

julia> function reverse_kernel(a::CuDeviceArray{T}) where T
           i = threadIdx().x
           b = CuStaticSharedArray(T, 2)
           b[2-i+1] = a[i]
           a[i] = b[i]

julia> a = cu([1,2])
2-element CuArray{Int64, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

julia> @cuda threads=2 reverse_kernel(a)

julia> a
2-element CuArray{Int64, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

When the amount of shared memory isn't known beforehand, and you don't want to recompile the kernel for each size, you can use the CuDynamicSharedArray type instead. This requires you to pass the size of the shared memory (in bytes) as an argument to the kernel:

julia> function reverse_kernel(a::CuDeviceArray{T}) where T
           i = threadIdx().x
           b = CuDynamicSharedArray(T, length(a))
           b[length(a)-i+1] = a[i]
           a[i] = b[i]

julia> a = cu([1,2,3])
3-element CuArray{Int64, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

julia> @cuda threads=length(a) shmem=sizeof(a) reverse_kernel(a)

julia> a
3-element CuArray{Int64, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

When needing multiple arrays of dynamic shared memory, pass an offset parameter to the subsequent CuDynamicSharedArray constructors indicating the offset in bytes from the start of the shared memory. The shmem keyword to @cuda should be the total amount of shared memory used by all arrays.

Bounds checking

By default, indexing a CuDeviceArray will perform bounds checking, and throw an error when the index is out of bounds. This can be a costly operation, so make sure to use @inbounds when you know the index is in bounds.

Standard output

CUDA.jl kernels do not yet integrate with Julia's standard input/output, but we provide some basic functions to print to the standard output from a kernel:

  • @cuprintf: print a formatted string to standard output
  • @cuprint and @cuprintln: print a string and any values to standard output
  • @cushow: print the name and value of an object

The @cuprintf macro does not support all formatting options; refer to the NVIDIA documentation on printf for more details. It is often more convenient to use @cuprintln and rely on CUDA.jl to convert any values to their appropriate string representation:

julia> @cuda threads=2 (()->(@cuprintln("Hello, I'm thread $(threadIdx().x)!"); return))()
Hello, I'm thread 1!
Hello, I'm thread 2!

To simply show a value, which can be useful during debugging, use @cushow:

julia> @cuda threads=2 (()->(@cushow threadIdx().x; return))()
(threadIdx()).x = 1
(threadIdx()).x = 2

Note that these aren't full-blown implementations, and only support a very limited number of types. As such, they should only be used for debugging purposes.

Random numbers

The rand and randn functions are available for use in kernels, and will return a random number sampled from a special GPU-compatible random number generator:

julia> @cuda (()->(@cushow rand(); return))()
rand() = 0.191897

Although the API is very similar to the random number generators used on the CPU, there are a few differences and considerations that stem from the design of a parallel RNG:

  • the default RNG uses global state; it is undefined behavior to use multiple instances
  • kernels automatically seed the RNG with a unique seed passed from the host, ensuring that multiple invocations of the same kernel will produce different results
  • manual seeding is possible by calling Random.seed!, however, the RNG uses warp-shared state, so at least one thread per warp should seed, and all seeds within a warp should be identical
  • in the case that subsequent kernel invocations should continue the sequence of random numbers, not only the seed but also the counter value should be configured manually using Random.seed!; refer to CUDA.jl's host-side RNG for an example


CUDA.jl provides atomic operations at two levels of abstraction:

  • low-level, atomic_ functions mapping directly on hardware instructions
  • high-level, CUDA.@atomic expressions for convenient element-wise operations

The former is the safest way to use atomic operations, as it is stable and will not change behavior in the future. The interface is restrictive though, only supporting what the hardware provides, and requiring matching input types. The CUDA.@atomic API is much more user friendly, but will disappear at some point when it integrates with the @atomic macro in Julia Base.


The low-level atomic in trinsics take pointer inputs, which can be obtained from calling the pointer function on a CuArray:

julia> function atomic_kernel(a)
           CUDA.atomic_add!(pointer(a), Int32(1))

julia> a = cu(Int32[1])
1-element CuArray{Int32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

julia> @cuda atomic_kernel(a)

julia> a
1-element CuArray{Int32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

Supported atomic operations are:

  • typical binary operations: add, sub, and, or, xor, min, max, xchg
  • NVIDIA-specific binary operations: inc, dec
  • compare-and-swap: cas

Refer to the documentation of these intrinsics for more information on the type support, and hardware requirements.


For more convenient atomic operations on arrays, CUDA.jl provides the CUDA.@atomic macro which can be used with expressions that assign array elements:

julia> function atomic_kernel(a)
           CUDA.@atomic a[1] += 1

julia> a = cu(Int32[1])
1-element CuArray{Int32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

julia> @cuda atomic_kernel(a)

julia> a
1-element CuArray{Int32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

This macro is much more lenient, automatically converting inputs to the appropriate type, and falling back to an atomic compare-and-swap loop for unsupported operations. It however may disappear once CUDA.jl integrates with the @atomic macro in Julia Base.

Warp intrinsics

Most of CUDA's warp intrinsics are available in CUDA.jl, under similar names. Their behavior is mostly identical as well, with the exception that they are 1-indexed, and that they support more types by automatically converting and splitting (to some extent) inputs:

  • indexing: laneid, lanemask, active_mask, warpsize
  • shuffle: shfl_sync, shfl_up_sync, shfl_down_sync, shfl_xor_sync
  • voting: vote_all_sync, vote_any_sync, vote_unisync, vote_ballot_sync

Many of these intrinsics require a mask argument, which is a bit mask indicating which lanes should participate in the operation. To default to all lanes, use the FULL_MASK constant.

Dynamic parallelism

Where kernels are normally launched from the host, using dynamic parallelism it is also possible to launch kernels from within a kernel. This is useful for recursive algorithms, or for algorithms that otherwise need to dynamically spawn new work.

Device-side launches are also done using the @cuda macro, but require setting the dynamic keyword argument to true:

julia> function outer()
           @cuprint("Hello ")
           @cuda dynamic=true inner()

julia> function inner()

julia> @cuda outer()
Hello World!

Within a kernel, only a very limited subset of the CUDA API is available:

  • synchronization: device_synchronize
  • streams: CuDeviceStream constructor, unsafe_destroy! destuctor; these streams can be passed to @cuda using the stream keyword argument

Cooperative groups

With cooperative groups, it is possible to write parallel kernels that are not tied to a specific thread configuration, instead making it possible to more dynamically partition threads and communicate between groups of threads. This functionality is relative new in CUDA.jl, and does not yet support all aspects of the cooperative groups programming model.

Essentially, instead of manually computing a thread index and using that to differentiate computation, kernel functionality now queries a group it is part of, and can query the size, rank, etc of that group:

julia> function reverse_kernel(d::CuDeviceArray{T}) where {T}
           block = CG.this_thread_block()

           n = length(d)
           t = CG.thread_rank(block)
           tr = n-t+1

           s = @inbounds CuDynamicSharedArray(T, n)
           @inbounds s[t] = d[t]
           @inbounds d[t] = s[tr]


julia> a = cu([1,2,3])
3-element CuArray{Int64, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

julia> @cuda threads=length(a) shmem=sizeof(a) reverse_kernel(a)

julia> a
3-element CuArray{Int64, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

The following implicit groups are supported:

  • thread blocks: CG.this_thread_block()
  • grid group: CG.this_grid()
  • warps: CG.coalesced_threads()

Support is currently lacking for the cluster and multi-grid implicit groups, as well as all explicit (tiled, partitioned) groups.

Thread blocks are supported by all devices, in all kernels. Grid groups (CG.this_grid()) can be used to synchronize the entire grid, which is normally not possible, but requires additional care: kernels need to be launched cooperatively, using @cuda cooperative=true, which is only supported on devices with compute capability 6.0 or higher. Also, cooperative kernels can only launch as many blocks as there are SMs on the device.


Every kind of thread group supports the following indexing operations:

  • thread_rank: returns the rank of the current thread within the group
  • num_threads: returns the number of threads in the group

In addition, some group kinds support additional indexing operations:

  • thread blocks: group_index, thread_index, dim_threads
  • grid group: block_rank, num_blocks, dim_blocks, block_index
  • coalesced group: meta_group_rank, meta_group_size

Refer to the docstrings of these functions for more details.


Group objects support the CG.sync operation to synchronize threads within a group.

In addition, thread and grid groups support more fine-grained synchronization using barriers: CG.barrier_arrive and CG.barrier_wait: Calling barrier_arrive returns a token that needs to be passed to barrier_wait to synchronize.

Collective operations

Certain collective operations (i.e. operations that need to be performed by multiple threads) provide a more convenient API when using cooperative groups. For example, shuffle intrinsics normally require a thread mask, but this can be replaced by a group object:

function reverse_kernel(d)
    cta = CG.this_thread_block()
    I = CG.thread_rank(cta)

    warp = CG.coalesced_threads()
    i = CG.thread_rank(warp)
    j = CG.num_threads(warp) - i + 1

    d[I] = CG.shfl(warp, d[I], j)


The following collective operations are supported:

  • shuffle: shfl, shfl_down, shfl_up
  • voting: vote_any, vote_all, vote_ballot

Data transfer

With thread blocks and coalesced groups, the CG.memcpy_async function is available to perform asynchronous memory copies. Currently, only copies from device to shared memory are accelerated, and only on devices with compute capability 8.0 or higher. However, the implementation degrades gracefully and will fall back to a synchronizing copy:

julia> function memcpy_kernel(input::AbstractArray{T}, output::AbstractArray{T},
                              elements_per_copy) where {T}
           tb = CG.this_thread_block()

           local_smem = CuDynamicSharedArray(T, elements_per_copy)
           bytes_per_copy = sizeof(local_smem)

           i = 1
           while i <= length(input)
               # this copy can sometimes be accelerated
               CG.memcpy_async(tb, pointer(local_smem), pointer(input, i), bytes_per_copy)

               # do something with the data here

               # this copy is always a simple element-wise operation
               CG.memcpy_async(tb, pointer(output, i), pointer(local_smem), bytes_per_copy)

               i += elements_per_copy

julia> a = cu([1, 2, 3, 4]);
julia> b = similar(a);
julia> nb = 2;

julia> @cuda shmem=sizeof(eltype(a))*nb memcpy_kernel(a, b, nb)

julia> b
4-element CuArray{Int64, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}:

The above example waits for the copy to complete before continuing, but it is also possible to have multiple copies in flight using the CG.wait_prior function, which waits for all but the last N copies to complete.

Warp matrix multiply-accumulate

Warp matrix multiply-accumulate (WMMA) is a cooperative operation to perform mixed precision matrix multiply-accumulate on the tensor core hardware of recent GPUs. The CUDA.jl interface is split in two levels, both available in the WMMA submodule: low level wrappers around the LLVM intrinsics, and a higher-level API similar to that of CUDA C.


The WMMA operations perform a matrix multiply-accumulate. More concretely, it calculates $D = A \cdot B + C$, where $A$ is a $M \times K$ matrix, $B$ is a $K \times N$ matrix, and $C$ and $D$ are $M \times N$ matrices.

However, not all values of $M$, $N$ and $K$ are allowed. The tuple $(M, N, K)$ is often called the "shape" of the multiply accumulate operation.

The multiply-accumulate consists of the following steps:

  • Load the matrices $A$, $B$ and $C$ from memory to registers using a WMMA load operation.
  • Perform the matrix multiply-accumulate of $A$, $B$ and $C$ to obtain $D$ using a WMMA MMA operation. $D$ is stored in hardware registers after this step.
  • Store the result $D$ back to memory using a WMMA store operation.

Note that WMMA is a warp-wide operation, which means that all threads in a warp must cooperate, and execute the WMMA operations in lockstep. Failure to do so will result in undefined behaviour.

Each thread in a warp will hold a part of the matrix in its registers. In WMMA parlance, this part is referred to as a "fragment". Note that the exact mapping between matrix elements and fragment is unspecified, and subject to change in future versions.

Finally, it is important to note that the resultant $D$ matrix can be used as a $C$ matrix for a subsequent multiply-accumulate. This is useful if one needs to calculate a sum of the form $\sum_{i=0}^{n} A_i B_i$, where $A_i$ and $B_i$ are matrices of the correct dimension.

LLVM Intrinsics

The LLVM intrinsics are accessible by using the one-to-one Julia wrappers. The return type of each wrapper is the Julia type that corresponds closest to the return type of the LLVM intrinsic. For example, LLVM's [8 x <2 x half>] becomes NTuple{8, NTuple{2, VecElement{Float16}}} in Julia. In essence, these wrappers return the SSA values returned by the LLVM intrinsic. Currently, all intrinsics that are available in LLVM 6, PTX 6.0 and SM 70 are implemented.

These LLVM intrinsics are then lowered to the correct PTX instructions by the LLVM NVPTX backend. For more information about the PTX instructions, please refer to the PTX Instruction Set Architecture Manual.

The LLVM intrinsics are subdivided in three categories:

  • load: WMMA.llvm_wmma_load
  • multiply-accumulate: WMMA.llvm_wmma_mma
  • store: WMMA.llvm_wmma_store


The main difference between the CUDA C-like API and the lower level wrappers, is that the former enforces several constraints when working with WMMA. For example, it ensures that the $A$ fragment argument to the MMA instruction was obtained by a load_a call, and not by a load_b or load_c. Additionally, it makes sure that the data type and storage layout of the load/store operations and the MMA operation match.

The CUDA C-like API heavily uses Julia's dispatch mechanism. As such, the method names are much shorter than the LLVM intrinsic wrappers, as most information is baked into the type of the arguments rather than the method name.

Note that, in CUDA C++, the fragment is responsible for both the storage of intermediate results and the WMMA configuration. All CUDA C++ WMMA calls are function templates that take the resultant fragment as a by-reference argument. As a result, the type of this argument can be used during overload resolution to select the correct WMMA instruction to call.

In contrast, the API in Julia separates the WMMA storage (WMMA.Fragment) and configuration (WMMA.Config). Instead of taking the resultant fragment by reference, the Julia functions just return it. This makes the dataflow clearer, but it also means that the type of that fragment cannot be used for selection of the correct WMMA instruction. Thus, there is still a limited amount of information that cannot be inferred from the argument types, but must nonetheless match for all WMMA operations, such as the overall shape of the MMA. This is accomplished by a separate "WMMA configuration" (see WMMA.Config) that you create once, and then give as an argument to all intrinsics.

  • fragment: WMMA.Fragment
  • configuration: WMMA.Config
  • load: WMMA.load_a, WMMA.load_b, WMMA.load_c
  • fill: WMMA.fill_c
  • multiply-accumulate:
  • store: WMMA.store_d

Element access and broadcasting

Similar to the CUDA C++ WMMA API, WMMA.Fragments have an x member that can be used to access individual elements. Note that, in contrast to the values returned by the LLVM intrinsics, the x member is flattened. For example, while the Float16 variants of the load_a instrinsics return NTuple{8, NTuple{2, VecElement{Float16}}}, the x member has type NTuple{16, Float16}.

Typically, you will only need to access the x member to perform elementwise operations. This can be more succinctly expressed using Julia's broadcast mechanism. For example, to double each element in a fragment, you can simply use:

frag = 2.0f0 .* frag